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Ducted Vacuuming
There are numerous advantages to installing the Valet Ducted Vacuum Systems:

Deep Cleaning Performance

Cleaner Air - Less Dust

No Heavy Lifting

Quiet and Easy to Use

Tailored to Fit New and Existing Homes

Surprisingly Inexpensive

Ducted Vacuuming at home
Valet ducted vacuums
Because the system is ducted there is no heavy unit to move around the house or up and down stairs. You simply insert the lightweight hose into one of the conveniently located inlet valves and you're ready to clean!
Ducted Vacuuming is also by far the most effective way of removing dust. Most vacuum cleaners pollute more than they clean because tiny dust particles smaller than the filtration systems are blown back into the air causing problems for hay fever and asthma sufferers.

Optional Extras

Optional Extras

Ducted Vacuum wall outlet
The advanced domestic products in the Valet range are the result of very extensive research and development. Valet products boast many features not available in similar products anywhere in
the world.
City Lights Electrical & Security Systems
Unit 15, 14-16 Stockyard Place, West Gosford

Phone: 02-4323 9551
02-4323 9552